Re: RDFa in HTML 4

Ben Adida schrieb:
> Johannes Koch wrote:
>> If you want to include RDFa into HTML, you have to change the HTML DTD 
>> anyway.
> That's not exactly right: you can if you want validation, but you don't 
> have to.

Well, yes.

> And if validation is important to you, while you may need to 
> change the DTD, you won't have to change the header as you add new 
> vocabularies.

With "change the header" you mean adding the link elements like in 
Toby's proposal?

Johannes Koch
In te domine speravi; non confundar in aeternum.
                             (Te Deum, 4th cent.)

Received on Friday, 18 July 2008 12:27:13 UTC