Re: Extending hCard with RDFa

On Thu, 2008-07-17 at 22:19 +0100, Toby A Inkster wrote:
> It's quite an inelegant syntax. 

It is a bit difficult to work out what is going on i will try to
explain :)

item = this is some "thing"

type = is the object, the sub-string after type eg "type vcard" is the
name of the type if it contains @id then this is a container class and
@id is used as the subject, if not then it is a property.

value = is the value, this can be just text,  or if the type class has
". [dot]" then this is data eg "value .2008-07-16" 

many html and xfn @rel values are interpreted as resources as also are
all microformat <a> @class values such as photo, url, taggedlink, and

> Have you looked at eRDF? It provides  
> a reasonably good way of embedding RDF triples in (X)HTML. Not as  
> powerful as RDFa, but it will work with standard HTML/XHTML DOCTYPEs.

yes I have its not really what I am trying to do, I am trying to parse
regular microformats as rdf triples using existing microformat design
principles without bending the rules too much :)

I am also exploring how microformats can overcome its scaling issues
using GRDDL

Thanks for your comments Toby.
Martin McEvoy <>

Received on Thursday, 17 July 2008 22:37:13 UTC