Re: RDF vocabulary best practices question...

Manu Sporny wrote:

> Is adding synonyms into your vocabulary a valid best practice? For
> example, is having audio:title specified as owl:sameAs dc:title  
> acceptable?

I'd also consider using:

	audio:title rdfs:subPropertyOf dc:title, rdfs:label .

Which implies that if a query tool is looking for a dc:title, but  
can't find one then it may use an audio:title instead. (But not vice  
versa.) On a property-by-property basis you should consider which of  
owl:sameAs or rdfs:subPropertyOf is more appropriate.

I'm at the beginning of implementing hAudio support in Cognition.  
(And the first stage of supporting any microformat in Cognition is a  
mapping to RDF!) I'd be interested in hearing on your progress on  
this vocabulary - if not on this list or the microformats lists, then  

Toby A Inkster

Received on Thursday, 10 July 2008 21:57:20 UTC