Re: geo location tutorial cut

Steven Pemberton wrote:

> I don't think so; it just needs attention. People understand that  
> there
> are things without URIs. You, me, towns, cars, emotions.

But isn't one of the key ideas behind RDF that we *give* these things  
(network non-addressable resources: NNARs) URIs and can then start to  
describe them.

The idea of is that it automatically gives us a URI for  
the concept behind every page at Wikipedia. That is, while <http://> is a URI for a web page  
discussing a poem by T S Eliot, < 
The_Waste_Land> is intended to be a URI for the poem itself - the NNAR.

(See <>.)

For any (English edition) Wikipedia article X, the following triples  
hold (or such is the aim of

	@prefix res:  <> .
	@prefix data: <> .
	@prefix page: <> .
	@prefix wiki: <> .
	@prefix foaf: <> .
	@prefix dc:   <> .

	data:X foaf:primaryTopic res:X ; dc:source wiki:X .
	page:X foaf:primaryTopic res:X ; dc:source wiki:X .
	wiki:X foaf:primaryTopic res:X .
	res:X foaf:page wiki:X .

That is, assigns URIs for every concept that has an  
article on Wikipedia, which is a separate URI from the article  
itself. MySpace or its ilk could easily do something similar by  
creating a subdomain such that for any user X at  
MySpace, then:

	@prefix myspace: <> .
	@prefix myres: <> .
	myspace:X foaf:primaryTopic myres:X .
	myres:X foaf:page myspace:X .

Then someone could easily make statements like the one mentioned  

	myres:joe foaf:knows myres:some_band .

The solution is not to find easier ways to make statements about  
things without URIs, but rather we should have more URIs for NNARs.

Toby A Inkster

Received on Tuesday, 8 July 2008 16:18:42 UTC