- From: Manu Sporny <msporny@digitalbazaar.com>
- Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2008 14:19:12 -0500
- To: RDFa mailing list <public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org>
Hi all, I've been thinking about this quite actively for the past week or two and have since come to the same conclusion that Mark has... in short, by simply stating that @about completes hanging rels, but @resource doesn't, we're making RDFa more complicated. I am arguing against that added complexity because it doesn't really get us anything, IMHO. My position currently, which has changed from what it was 3 weeks ago, is that @href and @resource should complete hanging @rels. The rest of this e-mail is loose reasoning and formalization. ------------------------- Loose Reasoning --------------------------- My first concern was that by allowing @href-@rel-@href or @resource-@rel-@resource constructs we would confuse current XHTML authors. It certainly was confusing to me at first, but only because this construct was a new way of thinking about the structure of an XHTML document (to me, at least). Mark said a few things last week that resonated, namely - that getting people to understand this approach is a matter of education. Spurious triples were another concern, but after considering a couple of samples (based only on a sample of 20-30 websites - not many, I know), I didn't see any that had a @href-@rel-@href approach. @resource doesn't exist and neither does @about, so the ones that we really have to worry about are @href-@rel-@src and @href-@rel-@href constructs. I was unable to find any web pages that had the @href-@rel-@href construct. So, I don't think that there would be an issue with spurious triples in legacy pages. As for spurious triples in newly created XHTML+RDFa pages, well, there is no such thing. Either you are authoring an XHTML+RDFa page, or you are not. If you are authoring an XHTML+RDFa page - you should know the basic rules (which can be explained quite simply). Let us not forget that there are very complex rules for authoring cross-browser Javascript/XHTML and CSS. I wouldn't put the hanging @rel issue anywhere in the same ballpark as issues that current web designers must go through. In other words - if this is the most complicated thing to learn about RDFa, then that's good news. -------------------------- Formalization ---------------------------- Just to clarify further, this is my current position using Test Cases to illustrate: @about subject, no hanging @rels, @href completes triples. ----------------------------------------------------------------- <div about="#me"> <span rel="foaf:knows" href="#ivan"> <span rel="foaf:knows" href="#shane"> </div> -------- <#me> foaf:knows <#ivan> . <#me> foaf:knows <#shane> . ----------------------------------------------------------------- @about subject, hanging @rel, @href/@resource completes triples ----------------------------------------------------------------- <div about="#me" rel="foaf:knows"> <span href="#ivan"> <span resource="#shane"> </div> -------- <#me> foaf:knows <#ivan> . <#me> foaf:knows <#shane> . ----------------------------------------------------------------- @href subject, hanging @rel, @href/@resource completes triples ----------------------------------------------------------------- <div href="#me" rel="foaf:knows"> <span href="#ivan"> <span resource="#shane"> </div> -------- <#me> foaf:knows <#ivan> . <#me> foaf:knows <#shane> . ----------------------------------------------------------------- @resource subject, hanging @rel, @href/@resource completes triples ----------------------------------------------------------------- <div resource="#me" rel="foaf:knows"> <span href="#ivan"> <span resource="#shane"> </div> -------- <#me> foaf:knows <#ivan> . <#me> foaf:knows <#shane> . ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- manu -- Manu Sporny President/CEO - Digital Bazaar, Inc. blog: Intro to the Semantic Web in 6 minutes (video) http://blog.digitalbazaar.com/2007/12/26/semantic-web-intro
Received on Monday, 21 January 2008 19:19:22 UTC