Re: Test Cases for 2008-01-10 telecon

The only tracker-related email on this is:

where Ivan gives his thumbs up to considering reserved words :)

But it's not a closed issue, and I know we've discussed this before. I
thought the issue was closed, I guess we need to make sure we're in


Ben Adida wrote:
> Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Hm. My recollection was to dismiss _all_ non-prefixed @rel/@rev values,
> No, not for @rel! We said all along we wanted to keep rel="next" and
> rel="prev" and rel="license" going. I'll try to dig out the decision on
> this. Mark, can you confirm whether this is your recollection?
> -Ben

Received on Thursday, 10 January 2008 15:25:42 UTC