RE: RDFa for HTML imagemap accessibility and clipart?


Very interesting! I'll have a closer look at it as well.
As for me, I'm also interested in spatio-temporal annotations (video, etc.).

And thanks to Karl D., already filed [1] ;)



 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH

>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of 
>Dan Brickley
>Sent: Sunday, January 06, 2008 2:55 PM
>To: RDFa
>Cc: foaf-dev
>Subject: RDFa for HTML imagemap accessibility and clipart?
>Hi folks
>Digging out an old hack here, to see how it looks in the light of RDFa.
>I'd like someone to explain to me how current RDFa could be used to 
>extract info from imagemap markup. I'll try to find out myself 
>using the 
>.js parser, but I'm not currently intimate with the subtle details of 
>the spec.
>HTML has a somewhat neglected notation for describing regions 
>of images, 
>and associating them with links. Here's a picture of me markup up in 
>this way, using YokMap, a Shareware MacOSX imagemap editor:
>The markup is small enough I'll include it inline here:
><map name="da8bb51_b" id="da8bb51_b">
><area  shape="POLY"
>   href="" />
></map> <img  src="2169955372_503da8bb51_b.jpg"  width="1024" 
>height="770" usemap="#da8bb51_b" />
>A few years ago, both in the FOAF project and as part of the EU 
>SWAD-Europe project some of us were experimenting with using this as 
>metadata in RDF, and as something that can be transformed and visually 
>presented with SVG.
>The core imagemap markup just gives us a slot for an href on the area; 
>here I've put my homepage URI (also same as my OpenID URI). BTW I have 
>no idea what the current XHTML 2 and WhatWG/HTML5 folks have 
>planned for 
>these elements. But I think this kind of markup has a lot of potential 
>for making images on the Web more automation friendly.
>Here is a very basic XSLT by Max Froumentin that transforms
>the above markup into SVG, and shades out the background into pink:
>SVG output is here:
>Here's an old screengrab of a big jumble of similar image fragments, 
>from RDF/SVG image annotation tools that Jim Ley. Also here's a 
>screenshot of Jim's SVG annotator in action, showing that such 
>can be created easily in zero-install Web apps.
>Right now I'm not sure exactly what triples we should be 
>aiming for. I'd 
>like a way to say,
>"this area of the image depicts the person who is the primaryTopic of 
>There were some #swig collaborations around this vocab a while 
>back (see 
>links below), though I don't think the final vocab ever got 
>uploaded to 
>  ... in a sense it doesn't 
>matter here, since if RDFa can be used freely with this markup, we 
>should be able to pick whichever RDF vocab is currently fashionable?
>Any help RDFa-ifying 
>would be 
>much appreciated...
>Why am I digging this up? Partly because it's time to revisit the 
>codepiction project, as a way of encouraging 
>social-network-interop folk 
>to consider "evidence-based" as well as claim-based models. But that's 
>another story...
>related links:

Received on Monday, 7 January 2008 08:34:12 UTC