Re: It is a feature:-( Re: Markup questions: html/body, datatype="", double predicates

Hi Richard,

It's all a matter of taste, but I think this part lends itself quite nicely
to appearing in a link element in the head:

  rel="foaf:primaryTopic foaf:maker"

This approach is used in the RDFa/FOAF description here:




On Wed, Dec 10, 2008 at 12:42 PM, Richard Cyganiak <>wrote:

> Ivan,
> On 10 Dec 2008, at 13:39, Ivan Herman wrote:
>> <html rel="foaf:maker" rev="foaf:homepage">
>>>  <body about="#me">
>>>   ...
>>> I expect this to generate these triples:
>>> <> foaf:maker <#me> .
>>> <#me> foaf:homepage <> .
>>> But what I get from the RDFa Distiller:
>>> <> foaf:maker <#me> .
>>> <#me> foaf:homepage <> .
>>> <> foaf:maker <> .
>>> <> foaf:homepage <> .
>>> Why is this?
>> This is not a bug, it is an (ugly!) feature!:-(
> Hm, weird.
> So I presume the lesson is that RDFa authors should keep their hands off
> the <html> element or weird things might happen.
> I found a way of saying what I wanted in a simple way:
> <body rel="foaf:primaryTopic foaf:maker" rev="foaf:homepage"
> resource="#me">
> It has the same effect and seems just a little bit less natural to me.
> Richard
>  And this is related to
>> what I quoted in my previous mail:
>> [[[
>> Actually, there might be a slight issue in the spec, though: the spec
>> explicitly says "if the element is the head or body element then act as
>> if there is an empty @about present" but it does not say anything about
>> the html element...
>> ]]]
>> so, the extra <>-s you get are because the <head> does not include any
>> @about and therefore an implicit @about="" is added! If you put an
>> @about in the head, too,
>> <html rel="foaf:maker" rev="foaf:homepage">
>>  <head about="#you">
>>  <body about="#me">
>> then you get
>> <rdfa-test.html#me> foaf:homepage <rdfa-test.html> .
>> <rdfa-test.html#you> foaf:homepage <rdfa-test.html> .
>> <rdfa-test.html> foaf:maker <rdfa-test.html#me>, <rdfa-test.html#you> .
>> I am not saying it is nice but, well, that is the way it seems to be:-(
>> Ivan
>> --
>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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>> FOAF:

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