Re: question re triples in xml literals

On 23.10.2007 10:59:30, Mark Birbeck wrote:
>But I can't see this being resolved within the _current_ version of
>RDF in XHTML, since it would take too long, I'm afraid--it's quite a
>large change.
ok, thanks, I see. Would be nice to see support in a future version.
Structured blogging could be a huge use case if RDFa supported

Another (personal) one is a lightweight RDF (Schema) editor 
where term notes that contain markup (like the per-term hints in 
the FOAF spec) could be used to generate an RDF Schema, e.g.
<div about="#Student" property="spec:TermNote" instanceOf="rdfs:Class">
   Student is a subclass of 
   <a rel="rdfs:subClassOf" href="">
   foaf:Person</a>. It has the following properties: 
   <a rev="rdfs:domain" href="#university">university</a>...

Or other annotations:
<div about="#review1" instanceOf="an:Annotation" property="rdf:value">
 The <a property="an:annotates"
        new whopper website</a> is 
 <span property="rel:rating" content="10">really cool</a>.

I'm taking the opposite approach for the spec editor now (very
structured RDFa, with the backdoor to auto-generate human-readable 
summaries from the triples at some later stage), which is fine,
but I'm sure there are many use cases where advantages of HTML
(formatting, order, semi-structure) could be combined with 
structured markup. Stuff like recipes(+ingredients) or 
manuals(+tools needed). 

I guess a work-around for now is to simply run another 
extraction process on selected XML Literals after the main
processing is done, but it would be nice to do it in a
single-pass operation.

Anyway, cheers,

Benjamin Nowack

>On 22/10/2007, Benjamin Nowack <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm just reading the syntax doc and have a question regarding the
>> "[recurse] = false" rule, once an xml object is found. A sample
>> use case would be the description of an rss item à la hAtom, e.g.:
>> [[
>> <div about="post.htm" instanceOf="rss:item" property="content:encoded">
>>    <h2 property="rss:title">A post</h2>
>>    <p property="rss:description" datatype="">
>>       <a about="#foo" rel="foaf:weblog" href="">Foo</a>
>>       said that.
>>    </p>
>> </div>
>> ]]
>> i.e. I'm trying to generate
>> [[
>> <post.htm>  content:encoded "<h2>....</p>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral ;
>>             rss:description "Foo said that." .
>> ]]
>> without repeating the post body. And I don't want to lose the
>> triples from the rss:title/foaf:weblog info.
>> The syntax doc says
>> [[
>> "if an author indicates that some branch of the tree should be
>> treated as an XML literal, no further processing should take
>> place on that branch"
>> ]]
>> which (to me) suggests that no "sub-triples" should be generated
>> whenever an XMLLiteral is encountered. How would I have to
>> change the code above to markup an XMLLiteral that contains
>> structured RDFa information?
>> Cheers,
>> Benji
>> --
>> Benjamin Nowack
>  Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer
> | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232
> |
>  standards. innovation.

Received on Tuesday, 23 October 2007 11:30:11 UTC