Re: PROPOSAL: Extending @rel/@rev reserved value set

Mark Birbeck wrote:
> To summarise, what I'm saying is that we should tweak the primer and
> syntax documents so that any usage of XHTML-vocab values have the
> colon in front. We should send a clear message that *new* mark-up
> should use this unambiguous method of specifying XHTML-vocab values.
> Then we can leave the 'legacy question' for another day. :)

I like this approach a lot. A very enthusiastic +1, and a big thanks to
Mark for the insight of separating the issue of legacy and that of

With my Creative Commons hat on, I'll note that I don't foresee Creative
Commons changing to ":license" immediately, because the search engines
are expecting "license". That said, I'm comfortable with saying that
rel="license" is supported only by "legacy" handlers, since that's
exactly why CC would be reluctant to change to ":license": legacy search
engine methods.


Received on Thursday, 18 October 2007 16:27:50 UTC