Evaluation of Test Cases 46-53

As per our common action item, I've reviewed test cases 46-53. Remember
to take a look at them in time for the call in a few hours!

Summary: I *disagree* with TC48 and TC50, and I think TC53 has a small
bug (missing triple). I agree with TC46, TC47, TC49, TC51, TC52.



TC46: GOOD, @instanceof applies to the bnode corresponding to the DIV.

TC47: GOOD, same as #46 but @resource replaces the bnode.

TC48: DISAGREE. Compared to TC46, the only change is the addition of
@about. Thus, here are the triples I would expect to see generated:

<http://www.example.org> foaf:knows _:x .
_:x a foaf:Person .
_:x foaf:name "John Doe" .

TC49: GOOD, without @rel, @resource, and @href, @instanceof applies to
@about. (This is the one case that might seem a bit "weird" in my
interpretation, although there is a weird case no matter which way you
look at it.)

TC50: DISAGREE. @instanceof on its own should yield a blank node. I'm
also not sure where <http://example.org> even comes from as it's not in
the document anywhere.

_:x a foaf:Person .
_:x foaf:name "John Doe" .

TC51: GOOD, although ugly :) I hope no one ever writes that in a
production document!

The interesting thing about this example is how it illustrates that
@instanceof really is syntactic sugar for a *child* element of the
<DIV>, which is why @property is processed *before* @instanceof
generates the bnode and causes chaining. This argues, I believe, for
@instanceof applying to @resource before it applies to @about, since
@resource is "further down the stack" than @about.

TC52: GOOD, @instanceof applies to @resource.

TC53: BUG (not a disagreement, I think, but worth double-checking.)

The SPARQL contains only one triple, which I agree with:

	<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person> .

But there's the triple related to the <SPAN>, which is missing:

	"John Doe" .

Received on Wednesday, 17 October 2007 23:37:29 UTC