Re: RDFa JavaScript implementation updated

On Wed, 2007-10-03 at 21:03 -0700, Ben Adida wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've updated the RDFa JavaScript implementation to support xml:lang, and
> I've completely ripped out the way I was storing triples, using instead
> the RDF Triple Store from Tabulator [1].


> And, best of all, the triple store supports provenance tagging. So you
> can add other triples to the store, but look at only the RDFa-generated
> triples by limiting yourself to the "rdfa" bucket as the fourth
> parameter to .the(), .each(), and .statementsMatching().

That 4th parameter is usually the URI of the document that the
triples came from, I think.

Actually, the design is that in general,
it's a justification for the triple; e.g. "I read <doc1> and <doc2>
and did some OWL inference on them." So you might store
something like ["rdfa", src_doc] meaning "extracted from src_doc
using rdfa".

But since RDFa is pretty much just another RDF syntax,
and in the RDF/XML and N3 cases we don't bother to note
the syntax*, you might not bother.

* actually, the tabulator keeps HTTP data such as content-type
around in a/the triple store. I'm not sure if that's part
of the library or layered on top.

> [1]
Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Thursday, 4 October 2007 13:10:21 UTC