Re: comment on using RDFa

Hi Ben,

Thanks for you answer!

You've got it right... but based on a quick reading I think your 
response is in contrast with that of Mark Birbeck, who says this 
wouldn't (shouldn't?) work, because the property="foaf:name" will still 
apply to <> and not _:span0. In other words, only @about can change the 
context (the subject being described), @href does not.

Do I get it right?


Ben Adida wrote:
> Peter,
> Thanks for this feedback, it is, as Mark has mentioned, extremely valuable.
> I suspect you're using the old bookmarklets. Try the following stable link:
> and the latest version:
> (I've updated the older link to point out that they are outdated.)
> I've tried it on your research page, and I think it solves comment #1,
> although I notice a lot of duplicate triples. I'll have to investigate,
> as there are surely bugs left to iron out. At least you're not getting
> wrong triples, though, and your issue with mixing microformats with RDFa
> should resolve itself.
>> Comment #2
>> ~~~~~~~~~
>>           <span class="foaf:Person" rel="swrc:author"
>> href="">
>>                        <span  property="foaf:name">
>>                            Peter Mika
>>                        </span>
>>            </span>
> So I actually think the above makes sense, and that it *should* work...
> at least if I'm interpreting it correctly. To make sure I am, let me
> decompose this a bit. Take out the @href for now:
> <span class="foaf:Person" rel="swrc:author">
>     <span  property="foaf:name">
>         Peter Mika
>     </span>
> </span>
> Here, I'm assuming you mean:
> <> swrc:author _:span0 .
> _:span0 rdf:type foaf:Person ;
>         foaf:name "Peter Mika" .
> (If you wanted the first triple to say something about than <>, you
> could wrap the whole thing in a div about=....).
> Now, adding the href (which irks me because @href means clickable ...
> but let's pass on this issue for a second) means, in my mind, that you
> want to replace _:span0 with that URL. Am I correct?
> If so, I think your markup should work, though we need to think more
> carefully about whether the syntax rules are consistent enough for this
> to work.
> Let me know if I've gotten this right. Thanks again for the comments!
> -Ben

Received on Tuesday, 29 May 2007 09:07:19 UTC