Re: PROPOSAL: Split RDFa into two pieces--core attributes, plus language-specific 'interpretations'

Hi Michael,

> Would it be a partition by levels [1] then?

That's an interesting document...I've never seen that before. Thanks.

Well, using the terminology from that document, I'd see it as the one
above the one you link to--modules. So, let's pretend that we call the
attribute and parsing document RDFa-core. Let's also say that we have
a document for HTML that says things like '@rel maps to @property',
and '@href maps to @resource' and '@title maps to a triple with a
predicate of rdfs:label', and so on. If that document was called
HTML-RDF (since to be exact, it's not about RDFa, but about RDF) then
we now have two modules. I would then say that RDFa-for-HTML is
comprised of these two modules--the core attributes in RDFa-core, and
the langauge-specific interpretations in HTML-RDF.

Do you think that makes sense?



PS I'm aware also that we could define the language-specific rules in
terms of GRDDL, but one step at a time. :)

  Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232 |

  standards. innovation.

Received on Thursday, 24 May 2007 14:49:52 UTC