Re: [RDFa] Wrap up of XMLLiteral issue

Hi Ivan,

> The only question I have is: what are the allowed values of @datatype?
> We had a mini-discussion with Mark on whether we would use something
> like @datatype="plain" when one wants plain literal even in case there
> is markup.

I'm not so sure it's as important now, and I'm also not convinced it
will be used. Also the potential for misunderstanding seems great! I'm
sure people will say to us, what are you doing indicating that
something has no datatype by using an invented datatype? :) There's
also the issue of what namespace is this value in...and so on.

Having said that, I suppose these objections could be addressed by
using datatype="" to indicate 'no type' which is more correct than 'a
type of plain literal' (which is not a type).

Ok, if we do leave this in, my vote would be to indicate plain
literals with an empty value of datatype. This essentially says 'I'm
overriding any default value for @datatype that the RDFa processor
might deduce for itself, and the override is that this element has
*no* datatype'.

Any thoughts on that?



  Mark Birbeck, formsPlayer | +44 (0) 20 7689 9232 |

  standards. innovation.

Received on Thursday, 12 April 2007 12:23:30 UTC