Re: Identification of RDFa content

Ivan Herman wrote:
> This may have been discussed before, in which case apologies. I have not
> seen a reference to it in the latest draft.
> ...
> The question: how does one discover that an XHTML file is 'RDFa-d'? The
> issue stroke me as a result of some discussions lately around the
> Tabulator[1] and Chris Bizer's announcement[2]. In both cases one can

I mostly lurk here, but this post makes me come out of my cave.  There
was a brief discussion of this back in May, see [1].  The outcome of
the discussion was, as I recall, that there was no way of recognizing
it.  Being able to discover pages with RDFa content easily will be a
big help, IMHO, in getting RDFa off the ground.  Eventually, when
virtually *every* web page has RDFa content, it won't be necessary.
But we are far from there yet and need to help the early adopters.  Tim


Tim Finin, Computer Science & Electrical Engineering, Univ Maryland
Baltimore County, 1000 Hilltop, Baltimore MD 21250. 410-455-3522 fax:3969

Received on Monday, 30 October 2006 13:05:59 UTC