- From: Ivan Herman <ivan@w3.org>
- Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 13:24:22 +0200
- To: Ben Adida <ben@mit.edu>
- Cc: public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf@w3.org
- Message-ID: <44631EE6.90608@w3.org>
Ben, I am sorry to chime in this mail, and maybe the issue I raise have already been discussed before... However, I respectfully disagree on your remark below on the usage of bnodes. At some point a few months ago Steven Pemberton and I played with the convertsion of a set of RDF statements (on public presentations, the RDF data that I use for our tals database[1]) and one of the difficulties was the fact that we had to *name* each node, even if they were bnodes. Not only it is a pain in the backside because one has to be careful to use unique names, but that could make any automatic generation of such files more difficult. Looking at Mark's example (for example, [2]) I wonder whether it is possible (ie, whether it crashes with something else) to push nesting a little bit further and say: <head> <meta> <link rel="dc:creator" ref="http://blabla/> ... </meta> </head> or having the same possibility to do something like that in the body: <body> <link rel="dc:creator"> <p>Bla bla bla <span property="dc:name">Ivan Herman</span>....</p> </link> Both cases would be the equivalents of using '[ .... ]' in turtle, ie, the creation of a blank nodes without bothering with the name... If that was considered before and shot down with good reasons, then I stand corrected:-) Ivan [1] http://www.w3.org/2004/08/W3CTalks [2] http://skimstone.x-port.net/node/272 Ben Adida wrote: > > [snip] > Steven, I'm fairly certain that Mark meant href="#author", and not > href="#about". Mark, can you confirm? I also don't think that's a > bnode... quite the contrary, it's an addressable node, it's just not > an identified XHTML element. In fact, I suspect more and more that > users of RDFa will probably use bnodes rarely, because it's just much > easier to identify all the nodes when you're dealing in HTML. -- Ivan Herman W3C Communications Team, Head of Offices C/o W3C Benelux Office at CWI, Kruislaan 413 1098SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands tel: +31-20-5924163; mobile: +31-641044153; URL: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/
Received on Thursday, 11 May 2006 11:24:08 UTC