Re: Grddl Squirrel 6 test cases

Le jeudi 09 mars 2006 à 14:06 +0000, McBride, Brian a écrit :
> 7 GRDDL test cases exploring what happens when the namespace document is
> an RDF document.

I haven't formalized your test cases to integrate them in the test suite
yet; I'm not sure what difference it makes whether the namespace
document is served as application/xml or application/rdf+xml; does any
spec imply the interpretation should be different? (there is a
difference for the fragment identifier handling, but I'm not sure it's
relevant in this particular case).

With regard to the second aspect of your tests (a
dataview:transformation on an RDF root element), I think the GRDDL
specification should explicitly say that hitting an RDF/XML
representation ends the dereferencing loop - it doesn't at this stage. 
Another option is to say that a GRDDL implementation should not attempt
to incorporate non-Valid RDF statements at any stage in the process (in
which case the interpretation is in fact different in the end).

I haven't thought fully about case 7 yet; I guess we need to define
GRDDL transformations in terms of statements collected in the process of
dereferencing the various statements (i.e. whether a transformation can
only apply at a certain stage in the processing, or if all the
transformations collected during the process should be applied).
Interesting question to explore :)

Also, at some point, RDF/XML could be integrated into a non-RDF root
element; is that still the case? If so, we probably need test cases to
deal with that possibility as well.

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Thursday, 9 March 2006 14:53:30 UTC