Re: GRDDL: meaning of "is associated with"

Le mercredi 08 mars 2006 à 14:50 +0000, McBride, Brian a écrit :
> The GRDDL spec states [1]
> [[
> if
>  o the root element of an XML document ?XD is associated with a
> namespace name ?NS, and
>  o ?NS identifies a document whose meaning includes the RDF statement {
> ?NS
>     <> ?TX }
> then ?TX is a transformation that preserves the meaning of ?XD.
> ]]
> What does "... is associated with ..." mean?

It means the namespace to which the element belongs. So, in the list of
tests below, only A and C are "yes".

> In which of the following cases does is there an association between the
> namespace name "" and the element <root>:
> A) <root xmlns="" />
> Yes
> B) <root xmlns:ns="" />
> Yes
> C) <ns:root xmlns:ns="" />
> Yes
> D) <root xmlns:ns="" ns:attr="foo" />
> Yes
> E) <root attr="" />
> No
> F) <root></root>
> No
> G) <root>
>      <child xmlns="" />
>    </root>
> No
> Are there any other ways that that <root> element can be "associated
> with" a namespace name?


> [1]
Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2006 15:00:20 UTC