Re: CURIEs: A proposal

Roy Fielding writes:

> All URIs are dereferenceable, not just http URIs -- some 
> schemes are less amenable to that than others, but there is no 
> reason to say "http" here.

Well, I meant to be silent on the status of non-http schemes.  Clearly 
there are many other schemes that are typically deferfenceable, and I 
think I understand the sense in which you mean that all are at least in 
principle.  In practice, there is much less deployed infrastructure for 
dereferencing some other schemes, such as urn, and I didn't want to open 
that side debate here, which I think might have happened if I had 
suggested that representations should be deployed for all namespaces, 
regardless of scheme.  I do agree that it's a good thing to do, not just 
for http-scheme URIs, but whenever practical.  Turning the argument 
around, the widespread avaialbility of infrastructure for manipulating 
http resources is among the reasons for encouraging use of http URIs as 
names for namespaces.

Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Received on Monday, 26 June 2006 15:57:30 UTC