Re: RDFa reliance on namespace declaration

On 17/06/2006 22:55, Elias Torres wrote:
> Ian, am I correct on the following:
> An XSLT processor is not required to maintain the same namespace
> prefixes as in the original document and worse yet, it's not required to
>   keep track of QNames in attribute values. Hence, we could have RDFa
> terms resolved to an incorrect namespace against the processed document.

That's exactly the point. And worse still, the XSLT processor _can't_ 
keep track of qnames in content. It can't distinguish which attributes 
contain a qname and which contain simply plain text:

<p x="a:foo" y="a:bar" xmlns:a="" />

> Please let me know, I'm missing the point the discussion, I'm known for
> doing so.

You're spot on.

> -Elias

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Received on Sunday, 18 June 2006 09:06:26 UTC