RE: CURIEs: A proposal

Hi Dan,

> [1] minutes of TAG ftf Wed 14 Jun, to appear

In the absence of [1] it is not possible for me to form a definite
opinion, but I have a strong feeling of mutual incomprehension.  
How can the TAG form an opinion on the URI construction rule in the 
absence of an overall architectural vision?  Maybe such a vision 
has been formulated and will emerge in [1].  I won't spend too much 
time on this now, as I'm acting on insufficient information, so 
will make just a few brief points:

-  For excellent reasons, there is no universal rule for how one 
   should construct the IRI for an element/attribute name from a 
   namespace IRI and a localname.  Is the TAG proposing that in 
   the case of attribute values alone, there should be a universal 

-  Even in the case of attribute values, languages may wish to 
   build URIs using "/" as the delimiter rather than "#".  How 
   can there be a single rule for all?

-  "airport:LGA" is just a string in the absence of language-
   specific rules, such as how the IRI-to-prefix mapping is 
   established.  QNames use xmlns for this purpose.  As I showed 
   in my Edinburgh presentation, NewsML 2 does not.  I have no 
   idea what SPARQL uses.

So, again, I'm asking for an overall architectural vision, and I 
refer you to my "CURIEs: A proposal", 2 June 2006:

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Received on Thursday, 15 June 2006 12:37:47 UTC