RSS in RDF/A, for discussion at Telecon

Hi all,

Here's my first pass at doing RSS (1.0) in RDF/A. I'm using RSS 1.0  
because it's already RDF. Note how this brings up the issue of how we  
handle rdf:Seq and other RDF containers.

<section id="newsfeed" about="#newsfeed">
     <h2 property="rss:title">Shutr News Feed</h2>
     by <a rel="rss:link" href="">Shutr</a>.
     <p property="rss:description">
         This news feed tells you everything about Shutr.

     <img rel="rss:image" src="" />

     <link rel="rss:items" href="#items" />

     <ul id="#items" role="rdf:Seq">
         <li rel="rdf:_1" href="#item_56">News Item 56</li>
         <li rel="rdf:_2" href="#item_57">News Item 57</li>
         <li rel="rdf:_3" href="#item_58">News Item 58</li>

<section id="item_56" about="#item_56" role="rss:item">
     <link rel="rss:link" href="#item_56" />

     <h3 property="rss:title">Shutr goes live!</h3>
     <p property="rss:description">
         Shutr has gone live!



Received on Sunday, 29 January 2006 22:24:01 UTC