meeting record: 2006-01-17 RDF-in-XHTML TF telecon

The [1]record of yesterday's Task Force telecon is ready for review.


Next meeting: 24 Jan, 1400 UTC

Summary of Resolutions

RESOLVED to respond to Pat with examples other than LI and remind
him that <link rel='meta' ...> still works

RESOLVED to ask the WG to approve publication of the RDF/A primer
as a Working Draft

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: All in the TF to look at to decide whether it's ready for WG review
[recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Ben draft a response to Gary Ng's comments
[recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Ben respond to Pat's RDF/A comments
[recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Ben to draft a new example of RDF/A as an XHTML
document that is its own RSS feed
[recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Steven confirm an answer on issue 6
[recorded in]

(scribe note: the following were copied from the previous meeting
record. These were not explicitly discussed during this meeting.)

[CONTINUES] ACTION: Steven inform the task force of a timeline for when a
final RDFA-syntax document is needed by the XHTML2 editors
[recorded in]

[CONTINUES] ACTION: Ben start separate mail threads on remaining
discussion topics

[CONTINUES] ACTION: Jeremy followup on <head about=...> edge case

[CONTINUES] ACTION: Jeremy followup with Mark on the question of
multiple triples from nested meta and add to issues list

[CONTINUES] ACTION: Jeremy propose wording on reification

Received on Wednesday, 18 January 2006 14:43:40 UTC