In Preparation for Telecon Tomorrow - Please Skim these Documents

Hi all,

In preparation for tomorrow's telecon, please check out the following  
documents/issues. I will send out an agenda in a few hours.

1) CURIE issues
Though we have assumed that we are using CURIEs in the specification,  
we haven't actually resolved the issues regarding the use of CURIEs.  
I'd like to formalize these decisions, at least within the TF. Check  
out the issues document:

and look at issues #1,#5,#12

Note that #1 and #5 are fairly clear from our discussion, but #12 may  
need a bit more discussion.

2) Proposal for RDF/A Containers.

(note that this document explicitly states that it has NO standing  
within W3C, and
that it will likely be merged into other RDF/A documents.)


Received on Sunday, 12 February 2006 20:10:38 UTC