meeting record: 2006-02-06 RDF-in-XHTML TF telecon

The [1]record of today's Task Force telecon is ready for review.


(note that this is a different URI than previously used and different
from what was shown in the irc log during the telecon.  Since we
moved our meetings to Mondays, I forgot to account for the WG
meeting in the same channel on the same day.  I recommend
that for future meetings we use #htmltf to avoid future name
collisions.  I have copied our meeting records and edited the copy
of the irc log cited in the minutes to s.02/06-swbp-.02/06-htmltf-.)

Next meeting: Monday 13 Feb 1400 UTC

Summary of Resolutions

RESOLVED: This Task Force concurs that href on any element that is
visible makes that element clickable using the primary user agent
mechanism but that <link> and <meta> may be display:none by
default at the HTML WG's choice

RESOLVED: we agree that the rest of the Section 2 triples can be
added before publication

Summary of Action Items

[NEW] ACTION: Ben update the editor's draft to add to section 2
[recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: Ben write out a proposal for how OL and UL turn into
rdf:Seq and rdf:Bag
[recorded in]

[NEW] ACTION: once Steven sends editors' draft of XHTML2, all TF
members take a look and comment on showstopper issues only
[recorded in]
[PENDING] ACTION: Ben start separate mail threads on remaining
discussion topics
[recorded in]

[PENDING] ACTION: Ben to draft full response to Bjoern's 2004 email
[recorded in]

[PENDING] ACTION: Jeremy followup on edge case
[recorded in]

[PENDING] ACTION: Jeremy followup with Mark on the question of
multiple triples from nested meta and add to issues list
[recorded in]

[PENDING] ACTION: Jeremy propose wording on reification
[recorded in]
[DONE] ACTION: Ben add lack-of-consensus notes to the RDF/A Primer
[recorded in]


Received on Monday, 6 February 2006 21:14:50 UTC