[RDFa] Use Case Document on the Wiki, UPDATE

Ben, All,

Another update w.r.t. gathering UC for RDFa is now available:

In the RDFa UC page [1] I added three new UC:

 + PDF metadata reuse
 + Metadata on Mobil Devices
 + Blogs


[1] http://www.w3.org/2006/07/SWD/wiki/RDFa_Use_Cases_and_Requirements

 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
 Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

    phone: +43-316-876-1193 (fax:-1191)   
   e-mail: michael.hausenblas@joanneum.at
      web: http://www.joanneum.at/iis/ 

   mobile: +43-660-7621761
      web: http://www.sw-app.org/ 

Received on Thursday, 14 December 2006 12:09:52 UTC