Re: follow your nose, HTML widgets, GRDDL spec#issue-tx-elt, TAG issue xmlFunctions-34 [was: [RDFa] Use Case...]

Dan Connolly wrote:
> Oh. I sometimes get the impression that RDFa is intended not just
> for HTML but as a mix-in for other XML vocabularies too.

It may be used in other vocabularies, yes, but those vocabularies will
likely have to choose how to include it.


> The nifty SWD summary suggests this October 2005 draft is current
> Its title is:
>  RDF/A Syntax
>  A collection of attributes for layering RDF on XML languages

Right, and the latest draft also uses the same language:

The syntax can be defined independently of how one follows one's nose,
right? We hope it will taken up by other XML languages, but really HTML
is the main target right now.

> So it's pretty easy to find answers other than "you can
> always follow your nose from RDFa markup thru the HTML-v-next
> spec to the RDF spec".

it would definitely have to be part of the schema for the XML language
you're thinking about. For example, it could well be done using a GRDDL
transform specified in the namespace document.

> GRDDL uses a namespace-qualified attribute on the root
> element of an XML document as its hook, in the most general
> case; and in the specific case of DTD-constrained HTML, it uses
> the head/@profile hook.

Right, so you still need access to HEAD/PROFILE, right? Since that value
of PROFILE will be different from one application to another, obviously
(unless it's the RDFa transform, for example... but then we're back to
our use case :)


Received on Tuesday, 5 December 2006 23:29:20 UTC