Re: [RDFa] Use Case Document on the Wiki

On Tue, 2006-12-05 at 16:03 -0500, Ben Adida wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've started the Use Case document on the wiki. Our goal should be to
> have a version ready for WG review before the Holidays.
> Go ahead and edit the use cases that you're interested in: Michael on
> semantic wiki, Elias on the IBM use case, Mark if you have time on the
> web cut&paste.

Looks interesting...

The markup examples are an interesting teaser, but they raise
various technical detail issues in my mind. I was going to comment
on some of them, but then I realized that I'm actually pretty
happy with the use case surrounding the markup, and filling
in the missing markup and mime type details isn't going
to improve the effectiveness of this document for its
main purpose: to talk about use cases and requirements.

Please consider moving the specific markup examples to a test
collection or something.

> I'll act as editor and coalesce things into a spec document once we've
> filled in the pieces.
> -Ben
Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 5 December 2006 22:10:55 UTC