Re: [RDFa] Telecon Monday - 1400 UTC

Regarding the UC document I'd like to flag two issues:
1. Looking at the success of microformats, a "smooth transition"/migration
description is a CSF to RDFa, IMHO. One of the UC should thus be placed in the blog-world,
showing how different vocabularies can be mixed, running queries on top of the resulting
RDF graph, etc.
2. Another UC I think is worth it, is the usage of RDFa in a Wiki. Beside the fact that
already certain Semantic Wiki approaches emerge, a standardised way of using RDFa in Wikis 
is somehow desirable. 
To promote the spread of RDFa, each of us should not only provide "real world" information 
(homepages, project descriptions, etc.), but also look for opportunities in the closer area. #
For example, the SWEO-IG [1] recently discussed the usage of RDF in Wikis at their first F2F [2].
Activities or events like this are what I mean with opportunities ...
Till tomorrow at 16:00 CET!
[1] <> 
[2] <>  
    ("Semantic Web Technology"-item)
 Michael Hausenblas, MSc.
 Institute of Information Systems & Information Management
 JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH
 Steyrergasse 17, A-8010 Graz, AUSTRIA

    phone: +43-316-876-1193 (fax:-1191)  
      web: <> 

   mobile: +43-660-7621761
      web: <> 


From: on behalf of Ben Adida
Sent: Sat 2006-12-02 06:26
To: RDFa
Subject: [RDFa] Telecon Monday - 1400 UTC

Hi all,

Okay, time for a telecon. We are behind with our tasks, largely due to
the discussions relating to the new HTML WG charters. We need to keep
pushing ahead on our tasks, however, even if we have some decisions to
make on syntax given these HTML changes.

Note also that, as per a decision in the SWD WG, I'm cc'ing all traffic
to them with the tag line [RDFa]. Ralph and I need to think about how to
make that easier, but this is important to keep folks in the WG involved.

Monday, December 4th 2006.
1400 UTC, W3C Zakim bridge
tel:+1.617.761.6200 conference code SWBP
Duration: 55 minutes


1) Action Item Review <> 

2) Use Case Document
I can write a good chunk of this if others are busy, but we need to make
sure we agree on which use cases we're going to cover. We know these
well, this is about formalizing what we've been talking about for >2 years.

3) Syntax Discussion
I sent a new FOAF example. We should also consider the discussion we've
started regarding the use of XMLNS.

Talk to you on Monday!


Received on Sunday, 3 December 2006 11:32:09 UTC