Re: still busy

Mark Birbeck wrote:
> Hi Elias,
> Would you have the issues that you were thinking of bringing up ready
> for the call today?
> The general plan that we're following at the moment is of focusing on
> implentations for the immediate period. We are also looking at
> resolving issues ready for another draft in the autumn, but I'm not
> sure it's fair on Ben to discuss issues today whilst he's away. ;) So
> anything to do with the implementation of RDFa would be ideal fodder
> for a call today.
> All the best,
> Mark

In my email [1] I point out several problems, some are merely editorial
as Lee's and should be easily corrected. I am hoping we start making
some changes to the editor's draft to feel that something is happening
in the RDFa world. It hasn't been touched in 8 months so I wonder what
people think when they see the document.



Received on Tuesday, 22 August 2006 23:11:54 UTC