RE: CURIEs, xmlns and bandwidth

On Fri, 2005-10-28 at 14:51 +0100, Misha Wolf wrote:
> Hi all,
> We've had confirmation that xmlns declarations can't be XIncluded.
> As a consequence, the IPTC does not plan to go the xmlns route for 
> declaring CURIEs.  If XHTML does decide to use xmlns for CURIE 
> declarations, that leaves us with two options:
> 1.  Different standards use different declaration mechanisms.
> 2.  The IPTC calls it's CURIEs by some other name.
> Any comments?

I have lost track of many of the relevant constraints and requirements,
but have you considered a sort of microformat approach, using GRDDL?

 start with XHTML 1.x
 choose a profile URI; put it in the head of each of your documents
 at that profile URI, add a profileTransformation link to 
  a bit of XSLT that expands your compact syntax to full RDF/XML

By way of precedent, let's look at "Embedded RDF"...

Here's an example document

it uses an XHTML dialect for data that Ian Davis designed.

At the top, it declares that dialect/profile:
  <head profile="">

If we go to that profile document, we see it has
RDF embedded in such a way as to declare a transformation
of all documents that use this profile...
  <head profile="">
     <link rel="transformation"
       href="" />

The net result is that we can take foaf-in-html.html and
put it into a GRDDL client (e.g. the online GRDDL service )
and out comes the data from the page in RDF/XML...

       <name xmlns="">Ian Davis</name>
       <firstName xmlns="">Ian</firstName>
       <surname xmlns="">Davis</surname>

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Friday, 28 October 2005 15:47:59 UTC