Re: Drafts of CURIE note, RDF/A spec, and Examples


I see the appeal, but I'm a bit wary of the consequences of making  
@class a shorthand for rdf:type. Specifically, all current class=""  
attributes would yield triples with an object URI that might well be  
something totally different from what one might expect (or it might  
be nothing at all). @class refers to something in the stylesheet, yet  
that would not be reflected in the typical CURIE resolution....

So, like I said, I see the appeal, but I think we need to consider  
the potential complications.


On Oct 23, 2005, at 1:32 PM, Mark Birbeck wrote:

> Ben,
> Reading Ian Davis' proposal (which is excellent Ian, by the way), and
> looking at your latest examples Ben, it occurred to me that we  
> could easily
> make @class into a CURIE in XHTML 2, and cause that to generate a  
> triple
> with a predicate of rdf:type.
> This would solve the problem we have been discussing of:
>   is there some way that xh2:role is equivalent to rdf:type, and if  
> not
>   how do we get such a convenient shorthand (technically known as the
>   Pemberton-shorthand ;)).
> Using this approach, we could recast one of your examples as follows:
>   <h2>Publications</h2>
>   <div id="publication_1" class="biblio:Publication">
>     <link rel="dc:creator" href=" 
> 1109404" />
>     <meta property="dc:title">A Standards-Based Virtual Machine</meta>
>     <link rel="taxo:topics" href="#tag_standards" />
>   </div>
> It would still give the same triples:
>   <#publication_1> rdf:type biblio:Publication .
>   <#publication_1> dc:creator <>
>   <#publication_1> dc:title "A Standards-Based Virtual Machine" .
>   <#publication_1> taxo:topics <#tag_standards> .
> Note by the way that mixing CURIEs and class names in @class  
> doesn't fall
> into the same set of issues as I mentioned before with @rel, since  
> there are
> no 'standard' class names. So this is fine:
>   <div class="biblio:Publication book">
>     ...
>   </div>
> 'book' could just be in the namespace of the current document, and if
> present, @profile could be used (as is the current trend with  
> microformats).
> Regards,
> Mark
> Mark Birbeck
> Ltd.
> e:
> t: +44 (0) 20 7689 9232
> w:
> b:
> Download our XForms processor from
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From:
>> [] On Behalf Of Ben Adida
>> Sent: 23 October 2005 03:21
>> To: public-rdf-in-xhtml task force
>> Subject: Drafts of CURIE note, RDF/A spec, and Examples
>> Hi all,
>> Well, I can say that we're on schedule by 90 minutes :)
>> PLEASE, if you can, take a couple of hours between now and
>> Tuesday's telecon to look these over and send comments. This
>> is the first time we've written down the latest details we've
>> discussed, so we need to double and triple check this.
>> Thanks to Mark, we have a CURIE note:
>> I've worked to update the RDF/A specification. Please forgive
>> the extraneous characters as I had to work from the HTML, not
>> the base XML. I'll get those fixed eventually. Note that the
>> "Motivation"
>> section probably needs another look, but it will do for now.
>> Finally, I'm sure I've got some bugs in there (particularly
>> CURIE), so feel free to send corrections.
>> And then the examples, which will need to be beefed up into a primer:
>> -Ben

Received on Sunday, 23 October 2005 17:47:48 UTC