short introduction

Hello Ben and hello to all other members of this mailing list,
I don't know, if it is common to give a short introduction for a new
subscribed member of that mailinglist, if not and/or you are not interested,
just move this mail to your special folder for those mails:-)
I come originally from Germany, where I studied electrical engineering,
worked as service diagnostic developer at GM and studied again technical
writing. In that field I worked 5 years as a freelancer in consulting and
training of possibilities to standardize documentations and its
processing --> XML was a topic in that context.
Actually I live already since two years in Hungary.Since September I'm a PhD
student and lecturer at the university of Miskolc in the department of
information engineering. My research work deals with analyzing 'ontologies
in the field of technical documentation' and I'm very interested in
everything, what's going on with semantic web, formal logic languages and
their representations, but in fact I also feel at the same time, that the
more I read and test and write, the more I know, that I know almost nothing
about these things:-)
I hope that I can bring some ideas and do some helpful work in that group
here and just say hello, Tanja

:: -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----
:: Von:
:: []Im Auftrag von Ben Adida
:: Gesendet: Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2005 22:05
:: An: public-rdf-in-xhtml task force
:: Betreff: added more examples to RDF/A examples
:: Hi all,
:: i've added more simple examples that reflect the discussion Mark and
:: I had in Boston 2-3 weeks ago.
:: Please look this over and check that this still makes sense. I'm sure
:: there are bugs as well as missing cases. Let's iterate on this until
:: it's more complete, so send me comments ASAP!
:: -Ben

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Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2005 07:43:39 UTC