Telecon Tuesday, November 15th - 1500 UTC

Hi all,

Okay, we have our work cut out for us over the next few weeks. Let's  
hold our telecon on Tuesday, 1500 UTC.

Tuesday, November 15th, 2005.
1500 UTC, W3C Zakim bridge
tel:+1.617.761.6200 conference code SWBP

 From the F2F, I took away two points of advice from the WG:
	1) we need a detailed timetable and agenda to give the WG
	2) we should consider turning our documents into Working Drafts ASAP.

Thus, our agenda will focus on defining the next 8-10 weeks of this  
task force, at which point we need to wrap up our work. The specific  
items we need to allocate time for are as follows:

a) CURIEs, why and how we got to this solution, what is the "least  
problematic" syntax, etc...
b) A better, more detailed RDF/A primer that focuses on teaching the  
core well rather than teaching every edge case
c) Building a set of real, complete, XHTML2 + RDF/A examples with  
XSLT parser to extract N3.
d) Finalizing a number of small decisions: role/class attributes,  
reification, src attribute, etc...

I want to focus the telecon to building a realistic schedule with  
time commitments from everyone, so your main preparation for the  
meeting should be to determine how much work you can do over the next  
8-10 weeks. Obviously, this is the last stretch, so I'm hoping  
everyone can pull together and help wrap up this task force  


Received on Sunday, 13 November 2005 22:50:41 UTC