Re: GRDDL in non-HTML XML - how, exactly?

On Wednesday, March 23, 2005, 8:11:33 PM, Dan wrote:

DC> On Mon, 2005-03-21 at 15:55 +0100, Chris Lilley wrote:
>> Hello public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf,
>> In section 3 of GRDDL (I was reading the 13 April 2004 version)
>> The first two paragraphs seem to contradict each other
>> >> The GRDDL profile mechanism is a special case of GRDDL designed to
>> >> fit within the syntax of XHTML 1.0. The general form of GRDDL is an
>> >> attribute suitable for use with a wide variety of XML dialects.
>> OK, cool, so I read on to find out how to do that ...
>> >> Use of the interpreter attribute in the
>> >> namespace on the root element of
>> >> an XML document indicates that RDF statements that result from
>> >> transformation of the HTML document to RDF by designated algorithms
>> >> are part of the document's meaning.
>> "the HTML document"? What if my XML is *not* HTML? Is 'the HTML
>> document' just a typo?

DC> yes... fixed in
DC>  $Revision: 1.58 $


>> To be specific, how would I change this example
>> to say that the content of the metadata element is part of the documents
>> meaning? Do I merely add
>> xmlns:grddl=""
>> grddl:interpreter="what, exactly, goes here"

DC> yes...

DC>    xmlns:data-view=""
DC> data-view:transformation=""

Ok so transformation, not interpreter.

DC> You can see the result at
DC> It works with ala...

DC> $ python --output ,svgm.rdf

DC> xsltproc spews complaints about the SVG namespace document
DC> (it's HTML, not XHTML)

Really? (goes to fix that)

DC>  but you can disregard those diagnostics;
DC> the resulting ,svgm.rdf has the right answer. (I hope we'll
DC> upgrade the SVG namespace document to RDDL or the like soon.)

Yes, good idea.

DC> I tried it in the online service...
DC> but I it fails in a way that I don't understand. (Dom?)

>> I read
>> >> The value of the grddl:interpreter attribute designates a list of
>> >> algorithms by URI reference
>> It seems to point to an xsl stylesheet, not a list of algorithms.

DC> As Dom explained, an XSLT stylesheet is a representation of
DC> an algorithm.

An, yes - its not a list, or at least, only a very short one.

>> I would also like to know how to GRDDLize these examples
>> if that turns out to be different.

DC> Not much. I did the 1st and 2nd ones...

DC> On the 3rd one I get an RDF parsing error...

DC> RDF.RedlandError: property element 'CoordinateReferenceSystem' has
DC> multiple object node elements, skipping.

Hmm. Is that an issue with your code or an issue with our RDF?

>> Please note also that SVG is structured, so a single SVG document
>> instance can have several logical parts and each of these can have its
>> own metadata element. How do I indicate that the metadata applies to
>> just a particular part of the document (ie, the parent of the metadata
>> element?

DC> RDF is context-free... the subjects of the statements are explicit.
DC> the rdf:about attribute is used to say what statements are about.

DC> In the 2nd example, I see this bit of RDF:

DC>         <rdf:Description>
DC>           <!-- In case of a well-known Coordinate Reference System
DC>                an 'Identifier' is enough to describe the CRS -->
DC>           <crs:CoordinateReferenceSystem
DC> svg:transform="rotate(-90) scale(100, 100)">
DC>             <crs:Identifier>

DC> That just says "there is a coordinate reference system." It doesn't
DC> say what the relationship between that coordinate system and this
DC> SVG file is.

Suggestions on how to fix that? Its supposed to say 'here is a
coordinate system' and 'here is a projection' and 'this svg file
represents a map in that coordinate system with that projection'. It
seems we are missing the RDFese, or the GRDDLese, to make the third

 Chris Lilley          
 Chair, W3C SVG Working Group
 W3C Graphics Activity Lead

Received on Wednesday, 23 March 2005 19:33:42 UTC