Re: GRDDL in non-HTML XML - how, exactly?

Le lundi 21 mars 2005 à 15:55 +0100, Chris Lilley a écrit :
> >> Use of the interpreter attribute in the
> >> namespace on the root element of
> >> an XML document indicates that RDF statements that result from
> >> transformation of the HTML document to RDF by designated algorithms
> >> are part of the document's meaning.
> "the HTML document"? What if my XML is *not* HTML? Is 'the HTML
> document' just a typo?

It is, indeed; thanks for the report.

> To be specific, how would I change this example
> to say that the content of the metadata element is part of the documents
> meaning? Do I merely add
> xmlns:grddl=""
> grddl:interpreter="what, exactly, goes here"

Indeed; ""what, exactly, goes here"" would be a URI, which should be
dereferenceable and have an XSLT representation that would take the
metadata element and make them part of a list of RDF statements.

(this "just extract the content of a metadata element" interpreter has
already been developed for some use case; I can't put my hand on it
right now, though)

> I read
> >> The value of the grddl:interpreter attribute designates a list of
> >> algorithms by URI reference
> It seems to point to an xsl stylesheet, not a list of algorithms.

Actually, each XSLT style sheet is supposed to be a representation of a
given algorithm; practically speaking, it means that the URI identifies
an algorithm, and when dereferenced, you get an actual implementation of
this algorithm in XSLT.

> I would also like to know how to GRDDLize these examples
> if that turns out to be different.

I'll try to have a look sometime this week, but can't promise yet.

> Please note also that SVG is structured, so a single SVG document
> instance can have several logical parts and each of these can have its
> own metadata element. How do I indicate that the metadata applies to
> just a particular part of the document (ie, the parent of the metadata
> element?

I guess you could use XPointer to do so, e.g.
<rdf:Description rdf:about="#xpointer(svg/rect)">...
although I'm not sure whether the semantics of XPointer are right for

Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Monday, 21 March 2005 15:26:45 UTC