Examples of using XHTML 2 for metadata

Hello all,

Following on from yesterday's SWBP discussion about examples of using XHTML
2 to carry its own RDF, a have a couple of examples in a blog I wrote back
in January. They are:

 * the 'list of RSS feeds' that I showed yesterday, with
   a discussion on why XHTML 2 is better than OPML;

 * an email message, converted from an example that is
   used in in RFC 2822.

The blog is at:


I mention them here to show the kinds of things that we have been thinking
about ... but I'm assuming there will be plenty of other good use cases,
such as FoaF. I hope this will set the ball rolling!



Mark Birbeck
x-port.net Ltd.

e: Mark.Birbeck@x-port.net
t: +44 (0) 20 7689 9232
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Received on Friday, 4 March 2005 19:30:42 UTC