RE: RDF/A and xml:lang on XMLLiterals


I have to say that I disagree with this.

Firstly, I think it's incorrect to insert <span> elements since:

 (i)  That isn't what the author asked for.
 (ii) It implies knowledge of the language hosting RDF/A (your
      approach would fail if RDF/A were used in SVG or VoiceXML).

Secondly, what you describe is only a problem with XML literals. We already
have a mechanism for addressing examples 'b', 'c', and 'd', and for 'f' you
could just place @xml:lang on the inner span. So the only things we can't do
are 'a' and 'e', which as far as I can see is because we are unable to do

  <> dc:creator "Luigi
<em>Rossi</em>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral@it .

That seems to me to be a 'restriction' imposed by RDF, and so is not
something that we should be trying to address by adding things that the
author did not actually put in.



Mark Birbeck
CEO Ltd.

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> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> [] On Behalf Of 
> Jeremy Carroll
> Sent: 26 October 2004 15:58
> To: public-rdf-in-xhtml-tf
> Subject: RDF/A and xml:lang on XMLLiterals
> One of the concerns I raised last week was to do with the 
> forgetting of 
> lang.
> I think this issue is one where it is worth trying to get a 
> TF agreement 
> on, and hence make a formal comment.
> It is worth remembering that the I18N and RDF Core WGs fell 
> out over this.
> I'll start with a possible formal comment, consisting of test 
> cases, and 
> then some discussion.
> I suspect that e-mail follow up should first address 
> discussion points, 
> and when/if we reach consensus on that, we can then see what should 
> happen to the comment.
> proposed comment
> [[
> The RDF-in-XHTML TF suggests that the RDF triple corresponding to:
> a)
> <head xml:lang="it" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator">Luigi <em>Rossi</em></meta> </head>
> should be
> <> dc:creator
> "<span xml:lang='it'>Luigi <em>Rossi</em></span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
> b)
> <head xml:lang="it" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator">Luigi Rossi</meta>
> </head>
> should be
> <> dc:creator
> "<span xml:lang='it'>Luigi Rossi</span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
> c)
> <head xml:lang="" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator">Luigi Rossi</meta>
> </head>
> should be
> <> dc:creator
> "<span xml:lang=''>Luigi Rossi</span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
> d)
> <head xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator">Luigi Rossi</meta>
> </head>
> should be
> <> dc:creator
> "<span xml:lang=''>Luigi Rossi</span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
> e)
> <head xml:lang="it" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator"><em>Luigi Rossi</em></meta> </head>
> should be
> <> dc:creator
> "<span xml:lang='it'><em>Luigi Rossi</em></span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral
> f)
> <head xml:lang="it" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator"
>    ><span class="red">Luigi Rossi</span></meta>
> </head>
> should be
> <> dc:creator
> "<span xml:lang='it'><span class='red'>Luigi Rossi</span></span>" 
> ^^rdf:XMLLiteral
> (In all cases the XML Literal is understood as being in exclusive 
> canonical XML, and having the XHTML2 default namespace)
> ]]
> Discussion:
> a)
> <head xml:lang="it" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator">Luigi <em>Rossi</em></meta> </head>
> The object has to be an rdf:XMLLiteral because it includes 
> markup. The object of the triple should include the lang 
> information, which gets 
> deleted in the current document. Since there is no where to 
> put it, we 
> have to add a span element to get
> "<span xml:lang='it'>Luigi <em>Rossi</em></span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
> b)
> <head xml:lang="it" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator">Luigi Rossi</meta>
> </head>
> for consistency with a) we get the datatype of 
> rdf:XMLLiteral, and then 
> by the same argument as in a) we introduce a <span> element 
> to carry the 
> xml:lang attribute.
> "<span xml:lang='it'>Luigi Rossi</span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
> c)
> Even if the lang is explicitly empty, we could follow the 
> same approach 
> as in a)
> <head xml:lang="" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator">Luigi Rossi</meta>
> </head>
> should be
> "<span xml:lang=''>Luigi Rossi</span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
> d)
> No lang and an empty lang are treated the same.
> <head xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator">Luigi Rossi</meta>
> </head>
> should be
> "<span xml:lang=''>Luigi Rossi</span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral .
> e)
> I think for simplicity it is better to always introduce the new span 
> element, even if there is a convenient element on which an xml:lang 
> could hang.
> <head xml:lang="it" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator"><em>Luigi Rossi</em></meta> </head>
> should be
> <> dc:creator
> "<span xml:lang='it'><em>Luigi Rossi</em></span>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral
> f)
> even if the convenient element is itself a span.
> <head xml:lang="it" xml:base="">
>    <meta property="dc:creator"
>    ><span class="red">Luigi Rossi</span></meta>
> </head>
> should be
> <> dc:creator
> "<span xml:lang='it'><span class='red'>Luigi Rossi</span></span>" 
> ^^rdf:XMLLiteral
> =====
> Further discussion
> In my examples I assumed that various html 4 features are still in 
> xhtml2, please correct me where I am wrong.
> I assume that the lang attribute has been replaced by the xml:lang 
> attribute in xhtml2.
> Jeremy

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 2004 10:03:59 UTC