Re: GRDDL literal result element stylesheets

Le ven 30/04/2004 à 12:11, a écrit :
> Concerning my earlier post as to security 
> problems with the link rel="transform" part 
> of GRDDL it might be better to have a 
> defined grddl grammar that would be 
> interpreted as a literal result element 
> stylesheet, i.e.
> <grddl xmlns="some url that ends with grddl 
> probably" 

Why do you put the result tree in this grddl root element rather than in
a rdf:RDF one?

> Although this makes the xsl-t less powerful 
> it does reduce the security concerns (there 
> are still some but they are rather minor 
> ones)

It does indeed remove the threat of xsl:include and xsl:import. Are
there any other security concerns that alleviated by this form?


Dominique Hazaël-Massieux -

Received on Monday, 3 May 2004 04:29:32 UTC