KNoWS Monthly Query Research Livestreams

Hi all,

I'm happy announce our KNoWS research unit at Ghent University – imec
is going start livestreaming our monthly query research progress updates.

Our first livestream is scheduled on Tuesday September 24 at 9:30 CET,
and can be followed at

The goal of these streams is to share the research we have ongoing
across the different people (~6) working on query-related topics.
These research topics are related to improving the way we query over Web-based decentralized environments,
with SPARQL, RDF, Solid, and more.

Within every progress update, each KNoWS researcher has a 5-minute slot to present the overall research goal,
achievements from the previous month, and goals for the next month.
After each researcher, we have a brief group discussion together with a varying set of invited experts.

For our first livestream, Maxime Lecoq from Inria will also be joining
as a guest speaker to discuss his work around indexing and querying within Solid.

We have been doing these progress updates for a while internally in this format,
but we're now opening it up for everyone with the goal of triggering more discussion.

These livestreams are recurring every last Tuesday at 9:30 (CET) of the month.

Looking forward to see you there!
Ruben Taelman

Received on Monday, 9 September 2024 07:45:17 UTC