Updating SWIG notes? e.g. VoID.

Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone knows the official way to update W3C technical notes produced by interest groups. For example I would like it if the VoID note was updated to incorporate
changes and evolutions in the RDF space in the last decade. The specific change requests can be discussed on the relevant issue tracker. I just wanted to know if these documents are stuck in time or that they may be updated following some process.


PS. For VoID there may be a different route as the RDFS.org domain and therefore resolved document are outside of W3C control...

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Jerven Tjalling Bolleman
Principal Software Developer
SIB | Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
1, rue Michel Servet - CH 1211 Geneva 4 - Switzerland
t +41 22 379 58 85
Jerven.Bolleman@sib.swiss - www.sib.swiss

Received on Monday, 12 February 2024 10:02:37 UTC