Is Named RDF List (Collection) valid?


We are using Turtle as a data format for our development, and uses RDF 
Lists on it. However, we see some weird behaviours over the tools we use.

In short, can I have a *Named* RDF List (Collection)? For example, is 
the following data valid?


|@prefix rdf: <>. @prefix : 
<>. :node1 :has :node2. :node2 a rdf:List; rdf:first 
[a :Wow]; rdf:rest rdf:nil ```|

We have found that this is rejected by rdflib (JS), and also showed unexpected output with 
this data (e.g. if outputting in N3 syntax).


I have consulted the RDF spec, 
which did not seem to say anything about this.

Best regards,


Received on Thursday, 18 April 2024 12:25:34 UTC