Re: Expected behavior when serializing named graphs using a format that does not support named graphs

Good morning.

I'd recommend to be consistent with CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o} WHERE { ?s ?p ?o } and to serialize the default graph by default.

May 21, 2023 6:48:19 AM James Anderson <>:

> good morning;
> the issue is similar for graph store protocol put and post operations and for sparql update load and insert operations.
> the insert operation is the only one which is explicit about the consequences of the various combinations.
> if one takes it as the precedent, the effect should be to do what the operation variant says to do.
> in this case, drop the graph.
>> On 21. May 2023, at 00:16, Iwan Aucamp <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> I would like some feedback on what people think the right behaviour should be when serializing named graphs using a format that does not support named graphs like Turtle or N-Quads.
>> These are :
>>     •
>> Raise an error: Indicate to the caller that the requested operation cannot be completed successfully. The output in this case is somewhat open-ended, in case of streaming there could be some output, though I would expect the output to be a subset of #2, not of #3.
>>     • Only output triples from the default graph, but don't output triples from named graphs without raising an error.
>>     • Output triples from the named graphs without a graph label without raising an error.
>> To me, #1 seems right - though Python RDFLib does #3 and Jena does #2.
>> Two GitHub issues related to this are:
>> - <>: Formats that don't support named graphs serialize Datasets and ConjunctiveGraphs with non-default graphs without raising any errors
>> - <>: Using riot with N-Quads input with named graphs and N-Triples/Turtle output silently drops part of the input #1873
>> Regards
>> Iwan Aucamp
> ---
> james anderson | |

Received on Sunday, 21 May 2023 08:07:44 UTC