implementations report and test suite status

I've updated the implementations report at

to include updated results from both ARQ (from Andy) and dotNetRDF (from Rob Vesse). I contacted Jeen Broekstra about the possibility of getting new results for Sesame, but he said he was focusing on getting Sesame updated w.r.t the latest spec changes, and it was unlikely that he'd get us new results given our timeline.

The new report includes a section for protocol tests, though I've not yet included any actual implementation reports for those tests yet.

It looks like these are the tests that we still need to approve:

* syntax-query/manifest#test61a
* syntax-query/manifest#test62a
* delete/manifest#dawg-delete-using-02a
* delete/manifest#dawg-delete-using-06a
* all protocol tests
* all entailment tests


Received on Saturday, 15 September 2012 17:30:37 UTC