Re: STRBEFORE() etc.


On 2012-05-21, at 14:32, Andy Seaborne wrote:

> Yes - having a fixed result for the "no match" seems sensible.
> F&O calls out the case of the empty string for second argument. Reading the -bfore and -after cases, I think it is defines what is mean by a match of the empty string (after returns the whole thing) and it is menat to be a match.  The argument type rules would apply in the SPARQL case.
> Proposed change (draft - the editor will wordsmith as needed when the changes are made):
> strbefore:
> """
> The function returns a literal of the same kind
> (simple literal, plain literal same language tag, xsd:string)
> as the first argument arg1. The lexical form of
> the result is the substring of the value of arg1
> that precedes in arg1 the first occurrence of
> the lexical form of arg2;
> otherwise the lexical form of the result is the empty string.
> If the lexical form of arg2 is the empty string,
> the lexical form of the result is the empty string.
> """
> ==>
> """
> For compatible arguments, if the lexical part of the second argument occurs as a substring of the lexical part of the first argument, the function returns a literal of the same kind
> as the first argument arg1 (simple literal, plain literal same language tag, xsd:string). The lexical form of
> the result is the substring of the value of arg1
> that precedes in arg1 the first occurrence of
> the lexical form of arg2.  If the lexical form of arg2 is the empty string, this is considered to be a match and the lexical form of the result is the empty string"
> If there is no such occurrence, an empty simple literal is returned.
> """
> for strafter, change 'precedes' to 'follows' and the return is the whole lexical form for the arg2 in the empty string case.
> + expand the examples
> strbefore("abc"@en, "z"@en) -> ""
> strbefore("abc"@en, "z") -> ""
> strbefore("abc"@en, ""@en) -> ""@en
> strbefore("abc"@en, "") -> ""@en
> strafter("abc"@en, "z"@en) -> ""
> strafter("abc"@en, "z") -> ""
> strafter("abc"@en, ""@en) -> "abc"@en
> strafter("abc"@en, "") -> "abc"@en
>  Andy
> On 24/04/12 10:29, Steve Harris wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> [sorry if this is covered in the testcases, I still don't have a harness for them]
>> So I'm just looking at STRBEFORE(),
>> The text says:
>> “The function returns a literal of the same kind (simple literal, plain literal same language tag, xsd:string) as the first argument arg1.”
>> However - does this trump the statement in that under some circumstances fn:substring-before “returns the zero-length string”.
> Not such "trump" because the XSD function does not have to worry about lang tags or xsd:string/simple literals.
>> I suspect that the right behaviour is for the function to return "" under those conditions - both as it makes more sense logically, and to make error handing in queries simpler.
>> e.g.
>>    STRBEFORE("foo"@en-GB, "bar") → ""@en-GB
>> is somewhat misleading, and a little tricky to test for e.g. you'd have to use
>>    STR(STRBEFORE(?string, "\t")) = ""
>>  in order to catch non-matches
>> I /think/ what I'd want as a user is:
>> arg1  arg2  result  comment
>> ------------- ------------ ----------  -----------------------------------------------------
>> "foo"@fr  "o"   "f"@fr  "normal" case
>> "foo"@fr  "bar"  ""   exception case
>> "foo"@fr  "foo"  ""@fr  the empty lang-tagged string is before
>> "foo"@fr  ""   ""   exception case
>> i.e. the return values in the exception cases are as per fn:substring-before, and the "literal of the same kind" only applies to the non-excpetion cases.
>> But maybe that's confusing too?
>> FWIW, I've currently implemented "literal of the same kind" only, and have no end-user experience.
>> Thoughts?
>> Cheers,
>>    Steve

Steve Harris, CTO
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Received on Monday, 21 May 2012 15:37:26 UTC