Property Paths drafting

Currently, all the material is in place in the editors' working draft.
At this point, I thinks it's ready for review.

Section: 9 Property Paths
This is the descriptive text for property paths

The translation to the algebra has two parts:
Section: Translate Property Path Expressions
Convert abstract syntax to an algebra form.

Section: Translate Property Path Patterns
Translate some forms to triple patterns and put a top level "path" 
oeprator into the algebra. (the only forms flattened here are the ones 
needed to create basic graphs patterns anad hence form with entailment)

And then there's evaluation; now every path form is defined fro 
evaluation because translation does not deal with one form inside 
another (this was a weakness of the previous specs).

Section 18.4 Property Path Patterns

(c.f. 18.3 Basic Graph Patterns)


Received on Friday, 4 May 2012 12:49:59 UTC