Re: Order of evaluation for aggregates


I'm working through the definitions as they are in rq25 at the moment 
(Nov 26).

I see no problem extending to ORDER BY : it works on ?agg_i and they are 

## are comments
** are suggestions

Q = SELECT ?x (1+count(*) as ?y) WHERE { ?x :p ?v } GROUP BY ?x
P = BGP({ ?x :p ?v })

 > If Q contains GROUP BY exprlist
 >    Let G := Group(exprlist, P)
 > Else
 >    Let G := Group((1), P)
 >    End

## What about the case of no GROUP BY and no aggregate?
    This catchall always groups a query
** ---------
If Q contains GROUP BY exprlist
    Let G := Group(exprlist, P)
Else If Q contains an aggregate in SELECT, HAVING, ORDER BY
    Let G := Group((1), P)
    skip the rest of the aggregate step
** ---------

G := Group(?x, BGP({ ?x :p ?v }))

 > For each (X AS Var) in SELECT and each HAVING(X) in Q
   X=1+count(*) Var = ?y

 > If X contains an unaggregated variable V

** s/Var/V/ in the For loop above.

 > For each aggregate R(args ; scalarvals) now in X
aggregate R = count(*)
A1 := Aggregation(*, count, {}, Group(?x, BGP({ ?x :p ?v })))
 > Replace R(...) with agg_1 in Q

Q = SELECT ?x (1+?agg_1 as ?y) WHERE { ?x :p ?v } GROUP BY ?x
## Did you mean Q?
** Replace R(...) with agg_1 in X
## but X never gets mentioned again.
## Text seems to have lost an "extend" or assignment to E
## This does not do anything with (?y, ?agg_1)
** Add E := E append (?y, X)

## Otherwise the connection between A1 and ?agg_1 is lost.

E := (?y, 1 + ?agg_1)

i = 2

 > For each variable V appearing outside of an aggregate
V = ?x
A2 := Aggregation(?x, Sample, {}, G)
E := (?y, 1 + ?agg_1) (?x, ?agg_2)
i := 3

P := AggregateJoin(A1, A2)

## Note -- we can do ORDER BY as well because ?agg varaibles never go 
out of scope and so continue until projection happens.  ORDER is before

"E is then used in"
** Link needed.

At this point:
P = AggregateJoin(A1, A2)
A1 = Aggregation(*, count, {}, Group(?x, BGP({ ?x :p ?v })))
A2 = Aggregation(?x, Sample, {}, G)
E = (?y, 1 + ?agg_1) (?x, ?agg_2)  # My correction

## Problem: how does A1 get associated with ?agg_1

## The connection of A1 to ?agg_1 didn't get recorded anywhere.
** add ?agg_i to "Aggregation"

e.g. Aggregation(?agg_1, *, count, {}, Group(?x, BGP({ ?x :p ?v })))

Does not mention agg_i
There is no E; I think it should be
    E = [(?sum, ?agg_1) (?count, ?agg_2)]

------------------------------------------------------------------------ SELECT Expressions

** Needs noting it can be set earlier.
Let E := [], a list of pairs of the form (variable, expression)


I'll try look at the evaluation next and also try to come up with 
definitions for Group, Aggregation, AggregateJoin to go with the eval 
defns. Also, I think "Aggregation" needs to know the name of the ?agg_i 
variable it is going to set (see above).

One comment for now:

"Note that if eval(D(G), Ai) is an error, it is ignored."

Does "it" mean the error?
And "ignore" mean the (agg_i, v_i) pair not included in the AggregateJoin?

I think it needs to say that explicitly.

Sorry about the layout - not sure how best to write comments and 
suggestions while showing the working.


Received on Saturday, 26 November 2011 23:00:33 UTC