Editing wiki pages outside the Web browser

I'm hopeful that the entire working group will actively help grow and 
maintain the group's wiki to document the progress and the collective 
wisdom of the group.

Since I find editing the pages one at a time in a Web browser somewhat 
tedious, I thought I'd share a pointer to mvs, a CVS-like command line 
Perl tool that I use to create and edit mediawiki pages.

The short of it is that I do:

 > vim New_Page.wiki
 > [create New Page's contents]
 > mvs update New_Page.wiki
 > mvs commit -m 'initial edits' New_Page.wiki

to create the page [[New Page]] on the wiki. Or

 > mvs update UseCase^Existing.wiki
 > [edit UseCase^Existing.wiki]
 > mvs commit -m 'added implementation details' UseCase^Existing.wiki

to edit the page UseCase:Existing.wiki. (Because my operating system is 
unhappy with colons in filenames, I hacked mvs to do a translation back 
and forth for '^' to ':'.)

Check it out here:


I've made a number of local edits to my copy for things like handling 
namespaces (as above) and handling authentication domains, so drop me a 
note if you are interested in more detailed help getting mvs setup.


Received on Tuesday, 3 March 2009 00:47:17 UTC