SPARQL Algebra Translation Bug

The translation from SPARQL syntax to SPARQL algebra:

has a bug in it : the tests and the doc (rq25) do not agree.  The test are right.

If SA is of the form OPTIONAL(Filter(F, A))
            G := LeftJoin(G, A, F)

is the way that filters get into thte conditional part of the LeftJoin.

But the section
If F is not empty:
   If G = empty pattern then G := Filter(F, Z)
   If G = LeftJoin(A1, A2, true) then G := LeftJoin(A1, A2, F)
   If G = Join(A1, A2) then G := Filter(F, Join(A1, A2))
   If G = Union(A1, A2) then G := Filter(F, Union(A1, A2))
   If G = Graph(x, A) then G := Filter(F, Graph(x, A))
          where x is a variable or IRI.
has the error.  This gives a second way for filters to get into the condition 
part of the LeftJoin.  This extra way shouldn't be there; it should be:

If F is not empty:
   G := Filter(F, G)

7 tests that cover this:


(I got these by grep'ing the test suite and looing at the tests.  I double 
checked by building modified versions of ARQ each way round to seeing the sam 
7 test as failures when done the way the text is.)

To work through one in detail:

==== expr-2.rq

PREFIX  dc: <>
PREFIX  x: <>
SELECT  ?title ?price
     { ?book dc:title ?title .
         { ?book x:price ?price } .
       FILTER (?price < 15)  .

==== expr-1.rq

PREFIX  dc: <>
PREFIX  x: <>
SELECT  ?title ?price
     { ?book dc:title ?title .
         { ?book x:price ?price .
           FILTER (?price < 15) .
         } .

with the bug, the translation will produce the same algebra for expr-1 and 
expr-2 because there are two different ways filters get into the 3rd argument 
of the LeftJoin.

But the test results are not the same and the results for expr-2 agree with 
the algebra expression:

     (filter (< ?price 15)
         (BGP (triple ?book dc:title ?title))
         (BGP (triple ?book x:price ?price))

and not that of expr-1:

       (BGP (triple ?book dc:title ?title))
       (BGP (triple ?book x:price ?price))
       (< ?price 15))

(Use of prefix notation here because I semi-mechanically produced the examples)


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Received on Wednesday, 26 September 2007 17:01:09 UTC